Fuel Consumption Units Converter
Coversion factor: 1 L/100 km = 235.21458333 US MPG
Additional information
Fuel consumption, also known as fuel efficiency or fuel economy, refers to the rate at which a vehicle or any other fuel-consuming machinery uses fuel to produce energy and perform work. It is typically measured in terms of distance covered per unit volume of fuel consumed, such as miles per gallon (MPG) and kilometers per liter (km/L).
For example, if a car has a fuel consumption rate of 30 miles per gallon, it means the car can travel 30 miles using one gallon of fuel. Similarly, if a car has a fuel consumption rate of 10 kilometers per liter, it can cover a distance of 10 kilometers using one liter of fuel.
Fuel Consumption Conversion Factors
L/m | L/km | L/100 km | US gal/mi | US gal/100 mi | UK gal/mi | UK gal/100 mi | km/L | km/US gal | km/UK gal | mi/L | US MPG | UK MPG | |
1 L/m | 1 | 1000 | 100000 | 425.14370743 | 42514.370743 | 354.00618993 | 35400.618993 | 0.001 | 0.0037854118 | 0.00454609 | 0.0006213712 | 0.0023521458 | 0.0028248094 |
1 L/km | 0.001 | 1 | 100 | 0.4251437074 | 42.514370743 | 0.3540061899 | 35.400618993 | 1 | 3.785411784 | 4.54609 | 0.6213711922 | 2.3521458333 | 2.8248093633 |
1 L/100 km | 0.00001 | 0.01 | 1 | 0.0042514371 | 0.4251437074 | 0.0035400619 | 0.3540061899 | 100 | 378.5411784 | 454.609 | 62.137119224 | 235.21458333 | 282.48093633 |
1 US gal/mi | 0.0023521458 | 2.3521458333 | 235.21458333 | 1 | 100 | 0.8326741846 | 83.267418463 | 0.4251437074 | 1.609344 | 1.9327415569 | 0.2641720524 | 1 | 1.2009499255 |
1 US gal/100 mi | 0.0000235215 | 0.0235214583 | 2.3521458333 | 0.01 | 1 | 0.0083267418 | 0.8326741846 | 42.514370743 | 160.9344 | 193.27415569 | 26.417205236 | 100 | 120.09499255 |
1 UK gal/mi | 0.0028248094 | 2.8248093633 | 282.48093633 | 1.2009499255 | 120.09499255 | 1 | 100 | 0.3540061899 | 1.340059203 | 1.609344 | 0.2199692483 | 0.8326741846 | 1 |
1 UK gal/100 mi | 0.0000282481 | 0.0282480936 | 2.8248093633 | 0.0120094993 | 1.2009499255 | 0.01 | 1 | 35.400618993 | 134.0059203 | 160.9344 | 21.99692483 | 83.267418463 | 100 |
1 km/L | 0.001 | 1 | 100 | 0.4251437074 | 42.514370743 | 0.3540061899 | 35.400618993 | 1 | 3.785411784 | 4.54609 | 0.6213711922 | 2.3521458333 | 2.8248093633 |
1 km/US gal | 0.0037854118 | 3.785411784 | 378.5411784 | 1.609344 | 160.9344 | 1.340059203 | 134.0059203 | 0.2641720524 | 1 | 1.2009499255 | 0.1641489031 | 0.6213711922 | 0.746235687 |
1 km/UK gal | 0.00454609 | 4.54609 | 454.609 | 1.9327415569 | 193.27415569 | 1.609344 | 160.9344 | 0.2199692483 | 0.8326741846 | 1 | 0.1366825541 | 0.5173997508 | 0.6213711922 |
1 mi/L | 0.0006213712 | 0.6213711922 | 62.137119224 | 0.2641720524 | 26.417205236 | 0.2199692483 | 21.99692483 | 1.609344 | 6.0920297421 | 7.316222665 | 1 | 3.785411784 | 4.54609 |
1 US MPG | 0.0023521458 | 2.3521458333 | 235.21458333 | 1 | 100 | 0.8326741846 | 83.267418463 | 0.4251437074 | 1.609344 | 1.9327415569 | 0.2641720524 | 1 | 1.2009499255 |
1 UK MPG | 0.0028248094 | 2.8248093633 | 282.48093633 | 1.2009499255 | 120.09499255 | 1 | 100 | 0.3540061899 | 1.340059203 | 1.609344 | 0.2199692483 | 0.8326741846 | 1 |
References: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “Unit Conversion”. https://www.nist.gov/pml/owm/metric-si/unit-conversion. Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). “The International System of Units (SI)”. https://www.bipm.org/en/measurement-units/. Wikipedia. “Fuel efficiency”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_efficiency.