Yield and Ultimate Tensile Strength of Titanium Alloys

Titanium alloys are known for their high tensile strength, making them strong and durable materials. The specific tensile strength of titanium alloys can vary depending on the alloy composition and heat treatment.

The following table provides a curated list of yield and ultimate tensile strength values for various titanium alloys.

Click on the icon to switch between SI (MPa) and US customary/Imperial (psi) units.

Tensile Strength of Titanium Alloys (Annealed)
UNS number
Grade 1R50250220345
Grade 2R50400345485
Grade 3R50550377 - 520440
Grade 4R50700480 - 552550
Grade 5R56400828 - 1075897 - 1205
Grade 6R54520793 - 897825 - 972
Grade 7R52400276 - 352345 - 483
Grade 9R56320480 - 610620 - 740
Grade 10R5803011801255
Grade 11R52250170 - 220240 - 345
Grade 12R53400345 - 462483 - 607
Grade 13R53413170275
Grade 14R53414275410
Grade 15R53415380483
Grade 16R52402276 - 352345 - 483
Grade 17R52252170 - 221241 - 345
Grade 18R56322483 - 607621 - 740
Grade 19R58153759793
Grade 20R586451104 - 11521172 - 1248
Grade 21R58210860930
Grade 23R56401790860
Grade 24R56405828895
Grade 25R56403828895
Grade 26R52404275345
Grade 27R52254170240 - 310
Grade 28R56323483620
Grade 29R56404759828
Grade 36R58450480 - 530546
Timetal® 17R586501055 - 11931125
Timetal® 10-2-3R56410970 - 12281040 - 1310
Timetal® 11009101030
Timetal® 15-3R58153890 - 1172703 - 1241
Timetal® 21SR58210890945
Timetal® 367R56700800900
Timetal® 550920 - 9601050 - 1100
Timetal® 5511065 - 11401200 - 1300
Timetal® 6-2-4-2R54620830 - 917930 - 1100
Timetal® 6-2-4-6R56260725 - 1000850 - 1100
Timetal® 62S945 - 972986 - 1000
Timetal® 6-6-2R56620950 - 10201035 - 1150
Timetal® 6799701100
Timetal® 685850 - 900990 - 1030
Timetal® 8-1-1R548109311020
Timetal® 8-2-9820950 - 980
Timetal® 834910 - 9301030 - 1050
Timetal® 230510 - 520620 - 760
References: 1) Cardarelli, François. Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018.