Yield and Ultimate Tensile Strength of Copper Alloys

Copper alloys, including various combinations of copper with other elements, exhibit good tensile strength. The specific tensile strength can vary depending on the alloy composition, heat treatment, and other factors.

The following tables provide a comprehensive list of yield and ultimate tensile strength values for different copper alloys.

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Tensile Strength of Wrought Copper Alloys
Oxygen-free electronic copper (C10100)69 - 365220 - 455
Oxygen-free copper (C10200)77 - 400230 - 410
Oxygen-free low-phosphorus copper (C10800)75 - 370220 - 380
Electrolytic tough pitch copper (C11000)69 - 390220 - 410
Phosphorus deoxidized arsenical copper (C14200)75 - 340220 - 370
Beryllium copper (C17200)160 - 1250480 - 1380
Beryllium copper (C17000)160 - 1140490 - 1310
Cadmium copper (C16200)48 - 470240 - 550
Chromium copper (C18200)97 - 450310 - 530
Cobalt beryllium copper (C17500)170 - 760310 - 860
Lead copper (C18700)230 - 250290 - 330
Silver-bearing copper (C11300)77 - 400230 - 410
Sulfur copper (C14700)85 - 250240 - 320
Tellurium copper (C14500)69 - 260220 - 330
Zirconium copper (C15000)45 - 460200 - 524
Admiralty brass (C44300)120 - 150330 - 380
Aluminum brass (C68700)180410
Cartridge brass (C26000)110 - 570320 - 680
Free-cutting brass (C36000)140 - 260330 - 530
Gilding metal (C21000)69 - 400240 - 450
Architectural bronze (C38500)140415
Hot stamping brass (C37700)160400
Muntz metal (C28000)150 - 370330 - 610
Naval brass (C46400)160 - 320380 - 500
Red brass (C23000)83 - 480280 - 590
Phosphor bronze (C51100)93 - 700330 - 720
Phosphor bronze A (C51000)130 - 550320 - 970
Phosphor bronze C (C52100)165 - 550380 - 965
Silicon bronze A (C65500)120 - 430360 - 760
Silicon bronze B (C65100)95 - 440280 - 560
Aluminum bronze D (C61400)220 - 420520 - 610
Aluminum bronze (C60800)180410
Aluminum bronze (C63000)340 - 510620 - 810
Copper nickel (C70400)95 - 230300 - 310
Copper nickel (C70600)63 - 270290 - 570
Copper nickel (C71500)140 - 480370 - 520
Nickel silver 10% (C74500)120 - 520340 - 890
Nickel silver 12% (C75200)120 - 540360 - 640
Nickel silver 15% (C74500)120 - 540360 - 630
Nickel silver 18% (C75200)170 - 620390 - 710
Tensile Strength of Cast Copper Alloys
Admiralty gun metal (C90500)140 - 160305 - 320
Aluminum bronze (C95200)190520
Aluminum bronze (C95500)320 - 470700 - 850
Beryllium copper (C81300)250365
Beryllium copper (C81400)83 - 250205 - 370
Beryllium copper 20C (C82500)310 - 980550 - 1100
Cast copper (C81100)60170
Chromium copper (C81500)280350
High-tensile brass (C86500)190490
Hydraulic bronze (C83800)110230
Leaded gunmetal (C83600)120250
Silicon brass (C87500)190 - 310460 - 585
Tin bronze (C90700)150 - 200240 - 330

The yield and ultimate tensile strength of copper alloys can vary significantly depending on factors such as the specific alloy composition, heat treatment, and manufacturing process.

References: 1) Cardarelli, François. Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 2) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition. United Kingdom: CRC Press, 2016-2017. 3) CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook. United States: CRC Press, 2000.