Crystal Structure of Pure Metals

Pure metals have a crystal structure that is made up of a repeating pattern of atoms. The atoms in the crystal structure are arranged in a specific way, which gives the metal its unique properties.

There are several different types of crystal structures that pure metals can have, including:

  • Body-Centered Cubic (bcc): In a bcc structure, each atom is positioned at the corners of a cube and one atom is located in the center of the cube. This structure is seen in metals like iron and tungsten.
  • Face-Centered Cubic (fcc): In an fcc structure, atoms are located at the corners and at the center of each face of a cube. This structure is found in metals like aluminum, copper, and gold.
  • Hexagonal Close-Packed (hcp): hcp structures consist of closely packed layers of atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern. Metals like titanium and magnesium have an HCP structure.

The following table provides a comprehensive list of crystal structures for pure metals.

Crystal Structure of Pure Metals
Actinium (Ac)fcc
Aluminum (Al)fcc
Antimony (Sb)rhombic
Barium (Ba)bcc
Beryllium (Be)hcp
Bismuth (Bi)rhombic
Cadmium (Cd)hcp
Calcium (Ca)fcc
Cerium (Ce)dhcp
Cesium (Cs)bcc
Chromium (Cr)bcc
Cobalt (Co)hcp
Copper (Cu)fcc
Dysprosium (Dy)hcp
Erbium (Er)hcp
Europium (Eu)bcc
Gadolinium (Gd)hcp
Gallium (Ga)orthorhombic
Gold (Au)fcc
Hafnium (Hf)hcp
Holmium (Ho)hcp
Indium (In)tetragonal
Iridium (Ir)fcc
Iron (Fe)bcc
Lanthanum (La)dhcp
Lead (Pb)fcc
Lithium (Li)bcc
Lutetium (Lu)hcp
Magnesium (Mg)hcp
Manganese (Mn)cubic
Mercury (Hg)rhombic
Molybdenum (Mo)bcc
Neodymium (Nd)dhcp
Neptunium (Np)orthorhombic
Nickel (Ni)fcc
Niobium (Nb)bcc
Osmium (Os)hcp
Palladium (Pd)fcc
Platinum (Pt)fcc
Plutonium (Pu)monoclinic
Polonium (Po)cubic
Potassium (K)bcc
Praseodymium (Pr)dhcp
Promethium (Pm)dhcp
Protactinium (Pa)tetragonal
Radium (Ra)bcc
Rhenium (Re)hcp
Rhodium (Rh)fcc
Rubidium (Rb)bcc
Ruthenium (Ru)hcp
Samarium (Sm)rhombic
Scandium (Sc)hcp
Silver (Ag)fcc
Sodium (Na)bcc
Strontium (Sr)fcc
Tantalum (Ta)bcc
Technetium (Tc)hcp
Terbium (Tb)hcp
Thallium (Tl)hcp
Thorium (Th)fcc
Thulium (Tm)hcp
Tin (Sn)tetragonal
Titanium (Ti)hcp
Tungsten (W)bcc
Uranium (U)orthorhombic
Vanadium (V)bcc
Ytterbium (Yb)hcp
Yttrium (Y)hcp
Zinc (Zn)hcp
Zirconium (Zr)hcp
References: 1) Cardarelli, François. Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 2) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition. United Kingdom: CRC Press, 2016-2017. 3) A.M. Howatson, P.G. Lun, J.D. Todd, P.D. Engineering Tables and Data. United Kingdom: University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science, 2009.