Properties of Galena

Galena is a lead sulfide mineral with the chemical formula (PbS). It is the primary ore of lead and a significant source of silver. Galena has been mined for lead and silver since ancient times and is found in various geological environments, often associated with other sulfide minerals.

Image of galena mineral
Credit: Raimond Spekking, via Wikimedia Commons

The following table provides a comprehensive list of galena properties in both SI and US customary/Imperial units at normal temperature and pressure (NTP).

Note: click on the icon to switch between Metric and Imperial units.

Table of Galena Properties
Physical Properties
Chemical FormulaPbS
Molar Mass239.27 g/mol
Crystal SystemCubic
Mohs Hardness2.5 - 3
Density7600 kg/m3
ColorLight lead gray or dark lead gray
FractureSubconchoidal, brittle
StreakGrayish black
Thermal PropertiesMetric
Melting Point1118 °C
Thermal Conductivity2.3 W/m·K
Electrical PropertiesMetric
Electrical Resistivity6.8×10-8 - 9.0×10-4 Ω·m
Optical PropertiesMetric
Refractive Index (nD)3.921

Note: unless stated otherwise, all values are taken at room temperature (approximately 20°C or 68°F) and 1 atm pressure. (1 atm = 101,325 Pa)

References: 1) Cardarelli, François. Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. 2) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 97th Edition. United Kingdom: CRC Press, 2016-2017.