Melting Temperature of Aluminum Alloys

Aluminum, in its pure form, has a relatively low melting point of 660 °C (1220 °F). However, when aluminum is alloyed with various elements, its melting point can be altered, either increasing or decreasing, depending on the specific alloy composition.

The melting point of aluminum alloys is typically between 460 - 670 °C (860 - 1240 °F). The tables below provide a comprehensive list of melting points for common aluminum alloys at one atmospheric (atm) pressure. (1 atm = 101,325 Pa)

Click on the icon to switch between degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees Fahrenheit (°F) units.

Melting Point of Wrought Aluminum Alloys
1050645 - 655
1060645 - 655
1100640 - 660
1145645 - 660
1200650 - 660
1235645 - 655
1350645 - 660
2007510 - 640
2011540 - 643
2014507 - 638
2017513 - 641
2018507 - 638
2024502 - 638
2025521 - 641
2117554 - 649
2124502 - 638
2195550 - 660
2219543 - 643
2618549 - 638
3003643 - 655
3004630 - 655
3005630 - 655
3103640 - 660
3104630 - 655
3105635 - 655
4032530 - 570
4043570 - 630
4047577 - 582
5005632 - 655
5010630 - 650
5049620 - 650
5050624 - 652
5052607 - 650
5056568 - 638
5059510 - 650
5082560 - 640
5083580 - 640
5086585 - 640
5154593 - 643
5182577 - 638
5251610 - 650
5252607 - 649
5356571 - 635
5454600 - 650
5456568 - 638
5457629 - 654
5657638 - 657
5754600 - 650
6005605 - 654
6010585 - 649
6012570 - 640
6013577 - 649
6016610 - 660
6023580 - 640
6060610 - 654
6061580 - 650
6063615 - 655
6064582- 652
6065590 - 640
6066562 - 646
6081610 - 640
6082580 - 650
6101621 - 654
6105599 - 649
6106610 - 660
6111585 - 650
6201607 - 654
6262582 - 651
6351554 - 649
6360630 - 640
6463616 - 654
7003600 - 650
7005607 - 643
7020485 - 630
7021510 - 630
7022480 - 640
7039482 - 638
7049477 - 635
7050488 - 629
7068476 - 635
7072640 - 657
7075477 - 635
7076460 - 630
7079477 - 635
7175477 - 635
7178477 - 630
7475477 - 635
8079640 - 650
8090600 - 655
Melting Point of Cast Aluminum Alloys
201.0535 - 650
204.0570 - 650
356.0555 - 615
359.0555 - 615
360.0555 - 595
383.0515 - 580
390.0505 - 650
413.0574 - 582
443.0575 - 630
512.0588 - 632
514.0585 - 630
518.0535 - 620
535.0550 - 630
712.0610 - 650

The melting point values provided in these tables are approximate and can vary depending on the specific composition of each alloy.

References: 1) Cardarelli, François. Materials Handbook: A Concise Desktop Reference. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018.